Full, pretty notes for fic "you are the sun and I am just the planets"

The original seed idea of this fic is based on the real, extended fanboy moment that European streamer, ex-pro and current caster Caedrel (Twitter) had before and during the 2021 League of Legends World Championship over Teddy, a Korean pro player (the (currently substitute) ADC on T1). It was an absolute joy to see it play out on Twitter and catch some of it on stream. I thought, what better way to hide than to steal inspiration from real life about something that has recently started consuming my life? The working title for this fic was “TEDDY TEDDY TEDDY" because of the Korean casters' reaction to a play Teddy made in a playoff match (link to full video, link to a clip 5:11.4 to 5:21.1). 

Rhys is my Caedrel stand-in. Fun fact: the name Rhys means stream and the Danube is a river (sort of stream-like, I guess) because he’s a streamer. Of course, that makes ZJL my Teddy stand-in. Long story short, Teddy is one of the older members on T1, and probably the second most famous on the team behind Faker (T1 mid, considered one of the GOAT). Teddy was also benched for a large portion of the final games of the season and Worlds in favour of rising star Gumayusi. So in my search for a character at Worlds who Western fans may only know a little about and who might not be considered to tier, poor ZJL was chosen. 

The @TeamChinaGlory account is based on the T1 LoL twitter account. Kylie Wang is based on Ashley Kang (Twitter) who is an esports journalist. 

As part of the LoL Worlds, players were given fresh accounts that already had access to the ladder at a higher level than a fresh account. The accounts follow a naming pattern and several streams were dedicated to finding which players had been given which accounts (so-called “Tracking the Pros”). 

The work skin is completely custom, though I did get some inspiration from two existing skins (A, B). Unfortunately I couldn't find anything that supported threads so I had to code it myself. It took about two days to code along with a few hours to edit icons. 

Did I try to hide? I made a work skin and did a Fall Out Boy title, wrote about ZJL when I usually do LA only fic. 

Reasons I thought I would get guessed: 
Actual reasons I got guessed: I did an alt format fic in the past. I mentioned playing Hearthstone and vtubers one time so I must be a gamer . RNG completely sniping me during the group read and making it seem like I prepared podfic (when this was 100% actually RNG and I 100% only had experience reading twitter fic because of [Podvid] 'like' it or not by shortcrust).

A tweet by tweet breakdown of inspirations for each one:



We are travelling to the World Championship!


[A group photo of the Chinese Glory team wearing their uniforms at the airport.]


Not sourced on a single tweet, but based on tweets like the following two:

Worlds Pro Tracker stream starts tonight 6PM CEST. No one is allowed to sleep until we find Swoksaar.


I vaguely remember someone tweeting about not sleeping until finding Faker during tracking the pros. I cannot find it.

Confirmed Chinese Glory team IDs:

Windy Rain - Storming Home

Dancing Rain - raindance

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms - CHAOS


Life Extinguisher - No Small Thing

Troubling Rain - pk_me


Swoksaar - motherofgautrek


Based on threads like:

Name references:

  • CHAOS: blossoming chaos, all caps because I said so
  • No Small Thing: based on the (I believe) canonical nickname that YX has for XSQ, small thing (a pun on the Chinese name).
  • motherofgautrek: Snotra is the “mother of Gautrek son of Gauti”. Snotra kind of sounds like Swoksaar? I saw some speculation asking if one of the writers knew obscure Norse mythology but the truth is I looked up a list of Norse Gods, found one that sounded like Swoksaar and then just looked for a reference on the Wikipedia page.

Confirmed Dazzling Hundred Blossoms EU7 account is CHAOS


[A screenshot showing a Glory user profile for an account called CHAOS.]


Based on tweets like:

Please someone save Dazzling Hundred Blossoms, the poor man is being bullied in EU7


If there was ever a reference for this tweet, I’ve lost it. I think it might have been something I watched in a clip.

@danubeglory watching Dazzling Hundred Blossoms on stream


[A 30 second video clipped from Rhys’ stream. He is watching a vod of a Spitfire named CHAOS running a dungeon with a random party. The group approaches the main boss and a Cleric throws his weapon, starting the encounter before the rest of the party is ready. Rhys yells at the screen in second hand rage as incoherent speech bubbles appear over CHAOS’s avatar.]


For the @dhbarchive tweets and retweets, they’re based on a variety of tweets of Caedrel reacting to different T1/Teddy clips.

Twitch link goes to a vod from the main Dota 2 tournament, The International.

A couple of references:

I interviewed Dazzling Hundred Blossoms after his arrival in Switzerland. We talked about playing on EU7, the current meta and who he’s most looking forward to meeting on the world stage.


[A minute-long preview of the interview. Both interviewer and interviewee are speaking Chinese. Subtitles are provided.


Kylie: How are you enjoying the European Glory servers?

Zhang Jiale: It’s been an experience.

Kylie: How does it compare to playing in China?

Zhang Jiale: The style of play is very different, I don't usually spend too much time outside Heavenly Domain so this is quite different.

Kylie: I’ve seen that you’re struggling a bit with partying up with other people.

Zhang Jiale: There’s many very good players but they have very specific skills so it can be hard to play in a party.

Kylie: A very diplomatic answer.

Zhang Jiale: Ok, fine, you’re right, it’s been terrible. But generally the players are quite nice, even if I don’t understand their play.]


Full interview on YouTube



This one is based on an interview between Ashley and Showmaker (Damwon Kia mid). The context is that this year’s LoL Worlds would be held in Iceland, where players would play solo queue on the EUW server. Earlier in the year, Showmaker had played in EUW when a previous tournament was also held in Iceland. He had an… interesting time.

The YouTube link goes to an interview with a former Halo esports athlete.

Full interview:

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms Archive @dhbarchive Retweeted



[A 40 second video clipped from Rhys’ stream. He is watching another vod featuring CHAOS. CHAOS is part of a party clearing a dungeon and, once again, his team seems determined to lose, running into enemies without a care in the world.

Transcript: Why isn’t anyone from his team playing with him? Immovable Rock is running dungeons with Life Extinguisher, Boundless Sea, Cloud Piercer and Crying Devil. They’re probably all sitting in a room together, laughing and sharing food and making heart eyes at each other while Dazzling Hundred Blossoms is slowly losing his mind playing with these incompetent idiots, finding parties by himself.]


Based on the clip below where Caedrel is watching Teddy in solo queue and he’s lamenting why Keria (T1 support) isn’t queuing with him (in LoL, the support and ADC player usually play in close proximity, especially in the early game). Keria was instead duo queuing with Gumayusi (the other T1 ADC). In the clip Caedrel says "I bet Keria and Gumayusi are holding hands [...] and Teddy sees it and he's getting mad".

@TeamChinaGlory I still have my berserker account, let me party with Dazzling Hundred Blossoms


Replying to @danubeglory



Replying to @danubeglory



Replying to @danubeglory



Replying to @danubeglory

Let’s make it happen @danubeglory


My favourite caster and my favourite player? Hell yes.


Based on a combination of the following two tweets (@JoeMar is the CEO of T1):

dazzling hundred blossoms are you ok


[Screenshot of a Glory player profile for CHAOS. The PK win record shows 82 wins and 34 losses.]


Replying to @brianwashere

That’s a 70% win rate over 116 matches in the last 7 days and he’s doing dungeons as well. Is he even sleeping?


This is based on a tweet about the actual win record of Oner (T1 jungler). As for why ZJL is climbing the PK ladder... because plot?

It’s happening.


[A photo from the Glory Professional Alliance of China official account with Zhang Jiale sitting at a computer. Rhys is photoshopped poorly peering over Zhang Jiale’s shoulder, a clipart microphone between them.]


Replying to @danubeglory

Can’t wait.



Dazzling Hundred Blossoms interview premiering tonight, 9PM CEST. twitch.tv/danubeglory


Interview now on YouTube https://youtu.be/ar3oTETtAdE


Replying to @danubeglory

wtf dazzling hundred blossoms is so cute wtf wtf


Caedrel actually did interview Teddy. Interview announcement tweet and link to the final interview below.

Link goes to an Overwatch League vod.

I was lucky enough to sit down with the head coach of the Chinese Glory team, Ye Xiu. We talked about his incredible final season in the GPA, what the unspecialized class means to him and how his transition to coaching has gone.


[A 30 second preview of the interview. Both interviewer and interviewee are speaking Chinese. Subtitles are provided.


Kylie: How are you finding coaching players that you’ve played against in the past?

Ye Xiu: I’ve known many of the players on and off the stage for many years, so it has been quite a smooth transition. I’ve really enjoyed being able to work with the master tacticians rather than against them.]


Full interview on YouTube



It has been a dream of mine for many years to be able to interview Ye Xiu. He’s truly been an incredibly important player for the development of the Glory esports scene in China and one of the greatest players to ever touch the game.


Ashley has interviewed several coaches as part of her coverage of LoL Worlds 2021, example below.

Link goes to a Super Smash Bros tournament vod.

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms Archive @dhbarchive Retweeted

DHB looking fly ~


[Screenshot from a promotional video for the Glory World Championship. Zhang Jiale is leaning against a doorway in the team uniform, while Wang Jiexi is watching him from some distance away, head tilted.]


The “doorway” is based on this room in the LoL Worlds 2021 group stage promo video: https://youtu.be/dYp0KXd6MOc?t=92

Cathedral of Cronos, more like Disciples of DHB


Cathedral of Cronos is a reference to Church of Chovy (Hanwha Life Esports mid), cathedral because of a joke where people write cathedral instead of Caedrel. Teddy has the Temple of Teddy, so hence Disciples of DHB.



What interesting place did Mucheng and Shaotian find?


๐Ÿ“บ: https://youtu.be/sX-spVMS5uE


Based on tweets like the one below.

Link goes to a StarCraft 2 vod.

@danubeglory reacts to Chinese Glory team vlog twitch.tv/videos/1169762944


Replying to @dhbarchive

Do you have the timestamp?


Replying to @dhbarchive and @camcamcam

About 3h 17min in


Same as the previous @dhbarchive tweet.

Team China Glory @TeamChinaGlory Retweeted

Jersey swap with @TeamChinaGlory. Good luck in the tournament!


[Two members of the Danish National Glory team holding the Chinese Glory team jerseys while two members of the Chinese team are doing the same with Danish jerseys.]


Jersey swaps there seem to be a lot of, but here’s one reference:

carrying with dazzling hundred blossoms lmao


[Screenshot of a Glory dungeon run stats summary screen. CHAOS and brianwashere have dealt about the same damage, but the other teammates did almost nothing.]


Based on a thing where a streamer queued into a game with DK Showmaker and was acknowledged positively afterwards.I swear I saw it on Twitter but it’s been lost to time. I did find a record of it on reddit, through.

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms has reached top 2000 in the PK leaderboard


[A screenshot showing a Glory user profile for an account called CHAOS. It shows the PK leaderboard rank of 1946.]


if he plays like this during the tournament then it's an easy #ChinaWIN


T1 Oner played a lot of solo queue while at Worlds. At one point he was the highest ranked pro on solo queue who was also playing in Worlds.

"eCliPSE" is a reference to T1 Gumayusi's older brother, a professional StarCraft II player with the handle "INnoVation".


[The two hands in solidarity meme. The hands are labelled "Germany" and "USA". The bottom text reads "Facing legends in round one."]


Caedrel posts a lot of memes, there wasn’t a specific reference here (the one below that he retweeted is funny though).



Our first match is tonight. Please cheer for us!


[Graphic with the logos for the Chinese Glory team and the Swedish Glory team. Underneath the logos is the date and time of the match.]


Based on tweets like the one below.


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