
Showing posts from July, 2016

Why is an Oikawa Tooru? (And So Can You!)

An essay about Oikawa Tooru Notes: Title shamelessly adapted from this YouTube video . Insights were drawn from friends, the subreddit (and discord chat) and these links: Minute Art's essay, Oikawa Blooms (A Haikyuu!! Character Analysis) This post by tumblr user thefanniestfic about S2E24 Naturally, after I finished this analysis, I found that some other people had also written great analyses of Seijoh and Oikawa, so here are some other recommended readings: eTankGaming has a fantastic analysis of S2E24 The Absolute Limit Switch . They also have a piece on Oikawa as well .   SPOILERS ARE AHEAD. You have been warned. There are spoilers up to and including anime episode S2E25 (end of season 2) and manga chapter 149, with optional spoilers to manga chapter 189. This document is coded so that you can read this even if you have only watched the anime (up to and including the end of season 2). If you have read the manga up to and including chapter 189, there are some e