
Showing posts from November, 2021

Full, pretty notes for fic "you are the sun and I am just the planets"

Link to fic on Ao3 The original seed idea of this fic is based on the real, extended fanboy moment that European streamer, ex-pro and current caster Caedrel ( Twitter ) had before and during the 2021 League of Legends World Championship over Teddy, a Korean pro player (the (currently substitute) ADC on T1). It was an absolute joy to see it play out on Twitter and catch some of it on stream. I thought, what better way to hide than to steal inspiration from real life about something that has recently started consuming my life? The working title for this fic was “TEDDY TEDDY TEDDY" because of the Korean casters' reaction to a play Teddy made in a playoff match ( link to full video , link to a clip 5:11.4 to 5:21.1).  Rhys is my Caedrel stand-in. Fun fact: the name Rhys means stream and the Danube is a river (sort of stream-like, I guess) because he’s a streamer. Of course, that makes ZJL my Teddy stand-in. Long story short, Teddy is on